FACTT 2018 | Lisbon – Making of
The Arte Institute, in partnership with Cultivamos Cultura and Ectopia, presented the II Edition FACTT – Festival Art & Science, in Lisbon.
September 17, 5.30 PM
MAAT – Central Tejo – Sala dos Geradores
FACTT´s Program Presentation
Performance by Diogo Teixeira
Drink by the River
Performance by Diogo Teixeira
Drink by the River
September 20, 6 PM
Livraria Ler Devagar Gallery
Opening of the Group Show FACTT 2018
Livraria Ler Devagar Gallery
Opening of the Group Show FACTT 2018
Until October 14
André Sier | Suzanne Anker | Maria Francisca Abreu Afonso | Alan Tod | Carla Rebelo | Jude Abu Zaineh | Ricardo Guerreiro Campos | Felipe Shibuya | Ana Baleia | Dalila Honorato | Jude Abu Zaineh | Tarah Roda | Maria Manuela Lopes | Paulo Bernardino |Marta de Menezes
September 22, 2.30 PM
FACTT 2018 Talks:
Marta de Menezes
André Sier
Palmira Fontes da Costa
Thiago Carvalho
Diogo Teixeira
Tarah Rhoda
Watch the best moments of FACTT in Lisbon!
Organization |
Arte Institute
Arte Institute
Partners |
Cultivamos Cultura



Support |

MAAT – Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia


Organization of Ibero-American States
Ler Devagar

School of Visual Arts
Pestana Hotel Group

Herdade do Peso