Conference | 40 years of the Democratic Constitution
Arte Institute suggests the conference “40 years of the Democratic Constitution”.
The Executive Council of the Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (FLAD) invites you to celebrate the 40 years of the promulgation of Portugal’s Constitution, and the four decades of Portuguese democracy, FLAD will hold a conference in Washington, in partnership with Georgetown University. The conference will consider various aspects of Portugal’s experience during the democratic period: the role of the constitution, changes in the party system, the process of European integration and gender equality.
Manuel Pinho
Vasco Rato
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
McCarthy Hall- McShain Lounge
March 21st, 2016
09:00h Opening Session
09:30h – 10:30h A Constitution for the 21st Century
João Tiago Silveira, Nuno Magalhães, Gonçalo Matias
10:45h – 11:45h Political Parties: A New Alignment?
Carlos Gaspar, Marina Costa Lobo, Basílio Horta
12:00h – 13:00h The Portuguese Economy in Democracy
Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Maria Luís Albuquerque, Alfredo Marvão Pereira
15:00h- 16:00h Portugal and the European Crossroads
José Lamego, Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Luís Amado
16:15h- 17:15h Gender Equality in Democracy
Teresa Leal Coelho, Sílvia Curado, Cristina Esteves
17:15h Closing Remarks
Please RSVP to: miguel.vaz@flad.pt