The Arte Institute and the RHI Initiative have the pleasure to support the show ‘COMPOTA COMVIDA…’.

Galeria Malangatana – ISPA
Rua Jardim do Tabaco, 34, Lisbon
September 18, 2021 – 6:30 PM 

Entrance upon a conscious donation (minimum 5€)

‘COMPOTA COMVIDA…’ are informal sessions where music, dance, and image merge in
in real time. Each performance is unique and unrepeatable, full of exchange, simplicity and
humanism. It involves professional guests with extensive experience in improvisation and local participants, artists and non-artists, an opportunity to create new interactions between artists and appreciative audiences for spontaneous encounters.

At Galeria Malangatana, in ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, the COMVIDA session includes the participation of members and guests from dISPAr Teatro an ISPA theater group founded in 2005 and supported by Centro Cultural Azizab’Saber. This group assumes itself as a place of research, privileging an approach to theater as search and encounter. 

Registration to interact with the guests must be made until September 15 through the address https://compota.pt/pt-pt/open-calls/
Artistic and technical data:
Constelação artística COMPOTA
Carlos “Zíngaro” (violin), Miguel Mira (cello) and Miguel Sobral Curado (battery)
Ângelo Neto, Inês Vilhena e Rafael Pinto (movement)

Daniel Rondulha (video)
By dISPAr Teatro
António Gonzalez, Beatriz Amaral, Carolina Bebiano, Nuno Amarante, Cassiano Simões, David
Nunes, Gonçalo Gabriel, Juliana Ferraz, Maria Machado, Rafael Gonzalez, Rita Barros, Rodrigo
Constantino, Teresa Caldas and Teresa Lanita.

Paula Pinto (artistic coordination and production)
Luísa Pereira (assistant producer)
Jorge Cera (technician)
Marcelo Vaz (graphic design)

Productin: sentidosilimitados
Support: República Portuguesa / Direção-Geral das Artes – Cultura, RHI, Art Institute, ISPA e

Image caption and credit:
Ágata Carvalho e Maurícia Barreira Neves em Compota INtegral, video Daniel Rondulha,
Auditório Carlos Paredes, jan2014
Photo of Rui Carlos Mateus
More info: (+351) 919 746 826 | info@compota.pt 
