Cais das Colunas – April 23

Cais das Colunas – April 23

Arte Institute presented “Cais das Colunas” by Nuno Vasa at FIL.

Festival IN  >  April 23

Creative Workshops – Escola António Arroio

António Arroio School’s representative installation with the following creative workshops: ceramic engravings – clay imprint; Suminagashi – ancestral technique of Japanese marbling; Multifaces – portrait photography. 

Talk “A Arte de fazer muito com pouco”

A talk with Sónia Tavares (The Gift), Ana Miranda (Arte Institute), Pedro Zaz (United VJS) and José Gil (S.A. Marionetas).


Writer Gonçalo M. Tavares & Pianist Júlio Resende

Arte Institute invites the writer Gonçalo M. Tavares and the pianist Júlio Resende in a dialogue between the words and the piano. 

Thanks to the Artists, Partners and Sponsors that made this event possible.