Summer Nights Series 2012

Summer Nights Series 2012

Summer Nights Series is a bi weekly series that showcases cinema,
music and visual arts from contemporary Portuguese artists. The series will
take place both in New York at Union Square Park starting July 13  until September 21.

After the success of the NY Portuguese Short Film Festival (June
2011), Arte Institute created the Summer Nights Series, adding an
outdoor dimension to Portuguese culture, which turned out to be ideal
for the New York busy way of life.

Throughout the Summer 2011, Union Square Park, right in the heart of
Manhattan, was a stage for contemporary Portuguese Culture in the
city, showcasing 20 short films and one feature film, three
concerts and a performance. All sessions were free and open to the
hundreds of New Yorkers who constantly pass by this square. In Lisbon,
the Summer Nights Series took place at Clube Ferroviário.

Summer Nights Series is back in 2012 with more screenings, concerts,
lectures and performances from July until September.


July 13 and 6 September – Cinema

July 27 and August 8 – Arts

August 23 e September 21 – Music

Union Square Park, 8 pm. Free and open to the public.

Summer Nights Series 2012 is made possible in part with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by New York State Council on the Arts and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Summer Nights Series 2012 is made possible in part with public funds from the Manhattan Community Arts Fund, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Special Thanks go to New York City Department of Parks and
Recreation, which kindly made Union Square Park’s North Pavilion
available for these events.