Residence in Transit on Madeira Island | Open Call

Residence in Transit on Madeira Island | Open Call

The Arte Institute suggests Residence in Transit on Madeira Island with Sara Anjos – Open Call.

An island is a body surrounded by the sea and lives cradled by the alternating tides. Its sea mirrors the sky, and an island is a kind of star. It is no accident that islands, when drawn on maps or captured by satellite images, resemble constellations and invite the imagination of the fantastic. The island territory has long been the scene of fascinating journeys and fundamental to think about the most exuberant utopias and the darkest dystopias.

Intended Audience: 
5 national and international artists from different artistic fields
Residency Date:
March 26 – April 3, 2022
Residency Includes:
Accommodation, food, insurance and travel during the residency (excludes flights)
Application Deadline:
December 26 (we recommend sending the application before the deadline).

Communication to the participants until January 6

Complete information here

Application form here