Jornadas de Reflexí£o – Cultura(s) Alicerí§ada(s)

Jornadas de Reflexí£o – Cultura(s) Alicerí§ada(s)

The Arte Institute has the pleasure to announce Ana Miranda, Founder and Director of Arte Institute, as speaker at Jornadas de Reflexão – Cultura(s) Alicerçada(s), on March 4 at 4.30 PM.

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– teatromosca`s Facebook page
March 4, 2021 – 4.30 PM (GMT +1)

A panel of national and international speakers will dedicate themselves to debating one theme per day in these Online Talks that take place on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of March, always between 2pm and 7pm (GMT time). The Online Talks will be on Zoom (for a limited number of participants) and will be broadcast on an open signal on teatromosca’s Facebook.

Don´t miss it!