Screening: Voices in the Fog: New Bedford Chapter

Screening: Voices in the Fog: New Bedford Chapter

The Arte Institute supports the screening of the movie “Voices in the Fog: New Bedford Chapter (2016)” by director Pedro Marnoto. The session will take place in New Bedford at the Whaling Museum, Cook Theater on May 21, 6 pm.

The director will be present at the event for a Q&A.


“Voices in the Fog” is a documentary project where former Portuguese cod fisherman recall memories and anecdotes of their lives at sea. The “New Bedford Chapter” introduces subjects who immigrated to the United States to build a new life on American soil. These are their stories.

The event is presented by the Portuguese Consulate in New Bedford and The Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture / Tagus Press – UMass Dartmouth.

Don´t miss it!