Caixa de Pandora

Caixa de Pandora

Arte Institute presents “Caixa de Pandora – Rota das Afinidades” at Joe’s Pub.

Joe’s Pub
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street – New York

March 6 – 9.30 PM

++ Get your tickets here!

Release 2016 – CD ‘Rota das Afinidades

‘Rota das Afinidades’ can be interpreted as a platform for arrivals and departures, a space of intertwining memories experienced through a Pandora’s Box that opens and releases 16 new compositions such as “Rota das Afinidades [Routes of Affinity]”, the song that gives the album its name, “Nómadas Ocultos [Hidden Nomads]”, “Cais do Desassossego [Dock of Restlessness]”, “Orfandade [Orphanhood]”, among many others, which un- ravel the “thread” of emotions in the souls of those who hear them.

Since the release of the first CD ‘Teias de Seda’ [Silk Nets] at the end of 2014, Caixa de Pandora [Pandora’s Box] have performed on innumerable stages, both in Portugal, such as, the Fundação Oriente [Oriental Foundation], TEDx 2015 as guest performers, and the Palácio da Bolsa [Stock Exchange Palace], and abroad, with a wide range of appearances in Festivals and Cultural Centres.

Affinities grew and the routes extended to include appea- rances and concerts in the East, namely in India and China. In India through experiences with some major cultural figures from this region, Gulraj Singh and Manoj Yadav, they collabo- ratively composed and interpreted pieces for both the Hindi market and Caixa de Pandora’s repertoire. As a result of this collaboration, the track ‘Mann Marzi Mauji’ will shortly be re- leased. In China, a meeting with Joe Lei – a producer, lyricist and composer based in Hong Kong, has resulted in various partnerships with traditional singers and instrumentalists, no- tably Kit Lam, Michele Ng and Wong Kin Wai, and which gave rise to the piece ‘House of the Swallows’, as well as various concerts scheduled for 2016. ‘Rota das Afinidades’ announces the artistic consolidation of the trio and unquestionably reflects the close understanding of its members.

“(…) Caixa de Pandora reveal themselves when they play, and touch those who hear them.”

Nuno Pacheco in Público

“(…) three excellent musicians, two girls and a guy – Caixa de Pandora. They play really well, bursting with talent! I’ve got an album here that’s well worth a listen. They’re basically virtuosos.”

Jorge Palma in DN

Cindy Gon̤alves (Violin) Рclassically trained, she chose to find her own expression from the outset, combining diverse artistic disciplines and col- laborations, particularly in theatre, painting and dance. She belonged to the RosaNegra project.

Sandra Martins (Cello and Clarinet) Рclassically trained cellist, who quickly became involved in traditional folk music and in dance companies. She has worked with nu- merous artists, including Rodrigo Lẹo and J̼lio Pereira. She was part of the RosaNegra project.

Rui Filipe (Piano) – a musician and composer with a var- ied training, he entered classical music, and then divided his time between his various passions, among which are traditional music (working with Dulce Pontes on four albums and founding artistic groups such as Xaile and RosaNegra), and sound- tracks for dance, theatre and audiovisual pieces.