Bang Awards – Open Call
Bang is looking for short, original animated films and they have fantastic prizes and the entire world as your audience.
Inspirational Theme 2016 – “Human Nature”
The current edition of the Bang Awards Festival is themed around the notion of “Human Nature”. The creators of films that explore this subject will be highly regarded by the panel of judges and the organisers. This is not an obligatory theme, however, it is simply the underlying inspiration for this Bang Awards Festival.
Therefore, we ask all the participants to look into their hearts and examine the meaning of Human Nature. What does Human Nature mean to each of us? What place do we humans occupy on our planet and how do we relate to one another? What is the true nature of being a human?
We want your Animation cinema to constitute a platform for discussion and debate of these important topics. It is in your hands to make a difference.
Between 26 September and 2 October, Animation will be roaming the streets of Torres Vedras!
Get ready for another epic edition of the Bang Awards Festival!
Look inside yourself. Look around you. Be inspired by HUMAN NATURE.