The Gift – ‘Coral’ | Leiria
The Arte Institute presents a concert with The Gift on September 28th, at Teatro José Lúcio da Silva, in Leiria, where the band will present their new album ‘Coral’. Watch the teaser of the show on RHI Stage.
Venue: Teatro José Lúcio da Silva
Address: Av. Heróis de Angola, 2400-093 Leiria
Date: September 28th, 2022 – 9.30 PM
The search for sound. We reach a certain point in life that the search for sounds to make records begins to be unproductive. Nothing fills us. Nothing tells us… A new sound is a blank sheet of paper. It is from there that everything is drawn.
From the stimuli we least expect come answers. Like the film ‘A Grande Belleza’ by Paolo Sorrentino that begins with a chorus of nine voices that feed the daily lives of so many. As if the voices conducted the soundtrack of what we do, of what we are… And if the root of that sound we seek is the human being… The voice. The voices.
The blank sheet of paper found. A chorus on one side, or in the core of the sheet… The multiple voices give the form, the content, the message. The other voice, Sonia’s over all. The lyrics in Portuguese.
The voices that make melody, harmony and rhythm and say words. They carry and elevate the meaning of each phrase.
Life is made of contrasts, of right and wrong things, of good and bad moments, of days and nights… And after the velvet of the human part, the contrast… The rough of electronics. Raw, rude, cruel.
Coral is born from this encounter. Of this blank sheet that has always been the search for sound. The record came out without warning. It came out from inside us. We weren’t expecting it. The musician today has to follow instincts, but above all respect impulses. Nothing is organized with time. Things come out. You either take advantage of it, or you don’t. The tour of this Coral is one of those moments. Unique, that come out of us without warning… Our impulse, to do the right concerts, in the right places. It will be mostly out of respect for that which is not foreseen, our impulses. You either take advantage of them or you don’t. Behind the curtain of every theater and auditorium, a choir that fills the stage, and the Gift. Some clinging to the lyrics, others clinging to the rough laboratory of electronics. Coral Live is above all a celebration. Of life. Of the impulse. Of us still being here following that which cannot be seen, our instinct.
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